A father told his daughter, "Congrats on your graduation. I bought you a car a while back. I want you to have it now."
Before I give it to you, take it to a car dealer in the city and sell it. See how much they offer.”

The girl came back to her father and said: "They offered me $10,000 dollars because it looks very old"
Father said: "Ok, now take it to the pawn shop".

The girl returns to her father and said: "The pawn shop offered $1,000 dollars because it's a very old car and a lot of work done".

The father told her to join a passionate car club with experts and show them the car. The girl drove to the passionate car club. She returned to her father after a few hours and told him, “Some people in the club offered me $100,000 dollars because its a rare car that's in good condition.”

Then the father said, "I wanted to let you know that you are not worth anything if you are not in the right place. If you are not appreciated, do not be angry, that means you are in the wrong place. "Don't stay in a place where no one sees your value ."

Know your worth and know where you are valued.
A diamond doesn't shine on the bottom of a cave.

Hvis du allerede har en vej ind til en kommandopromt med rettigheder, kan du let gøre det med:

net localgroup administratorer /add "AzureAD\Denne e-mail adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den."


Har du fået "smækket dig ude" kan du blive nødt til at gøre en bruger lokal administrator over alle de AzureAD joined devices du har (for en kort bemærkning eller købe en AzureAD plan hvor du kan differentiere det).
Du logger ind i AzureAD portalen (portal.azure.com) og finder Azure Active Directory, Devices, Device Settings og lidt nede på den side har du "Manage Additional local administrators on all Azure AD joined devices" hvor du kan tilføje en bruger som så er lokal administrator på alle enheder.
Dermed kan du komme ind og køre ovenstående kommando - og så kan du fjerne brugeren igen som "global" lokal administrator.

Shadow Copy kan aktiveres på Synologys netværksharddiske. Det er bare en smule "gemt".

Måden er at installere "Snapshot Replication" pakken - og så kan man finde de delte mapper og sætte billeder/snapshots op :-)

Se status:
w32tm /query /status

Eller bare sætte det op:
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\W32Time\Config" -Name "AnnounceFlags" -Value 5

Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\w32time\Parameters" -Name "NtpServer" -Value europe.pool.ntp.org

Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\w32time\TimeProviders\NtpServer" -Name "Enabled" -Value 1

Restart-Service w32Time

w32tm /resync